Trump admits Elon Musk hacked the vote for him

In a pre-inauguration rally at Capitol One Arena in DC on January 19, 2025, Trump just admitted on camera that Elon Musk “spent like a month-and-a-half campaigning for me in Pennsylvania, he’s a popular guy and he was very effective. And he knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good, it was pretty good. So thank you to Elon.” 

Three more states all look like manufactured data

Disturbing data out of Arizona
2020 data looks more irregular in the chart above the chart below from 2024 looks more exact and planned, as if it was calculated in a computer
Data from North Carolina looks calculated
It is as if a calculation was evenly applied to Kamala Harris's votes to decrease them by a sizable chunk across the board, which would be consisted with the large number of drop-off ballots identified by
Florida--places with higher voter turnout appear more hacked
Kamala Harris and yes to health care rights nearly identical at lower turnout precincts, wildly counter to prevailing social behavior at higher turnout precincts. One theory, better to hack higher turnout precincts because when states audit, they tend to do so at lower turnout precincts

Please spread the word

Here is a list of influential people to contact, please ask them to spread the word. Thank you

Learn about the grave concerns about the integrity of the 2024 general election -- and take action

Data out of Nevada looks particularly manufactured

The data is missing its middle. Instead of the data reaching its densist point in the middle, there is a vacuum, as the middle has been calculated out of the data set. Normal datasets do not have a hole in the middle of the data, rather that is where the largest amount of data normally sits. This abnormality shows evidence of hacking. 

If you'd like to do your own analysis, you can download Clark County full data
Early vote is missing middle data
Datasets tend to have large clusters of people gather in the middle, especially when polling showed candidates close. Yet the Early Voting data seems to have had the middle numbers manufactured out of it
Russian Tail is evident
The telltale Russian Tail has appeared in the data. When Russians have hacked their own vote, the data is skewed, and there is no normal Bell curve, where most data is clustered in the middle. In this instance, Trump's votes appear to have been manufactured and pushed rightward. 
The tabulators counting most ballots seem compromised
In Clark County, the tabulators counting around 400 votes or more have counted more Trump votes which makes little sense since areas with more votes to count tend to be more urban, which are typically locations with more Democratic votes
The Whistleblower presents condemnatory data
In exacting detail, the Whistleblower explains how the data seems manufactured, and the history of the right-wing efforts to control the technology associated with voting
Cyber-security expert Stephen Spoonamore explains how hacks can happen and what appears to have happened in 2024
In this in-depth interview, cyber-security expert Stephen Spoonamore explains how election machines are simple to hack, and gives his theory about what appears to have happened in the 2024 election
Trump is an insurrectionist and cannot serve
Elite lawyers David Schulte and Evan Davis say: "Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now" 

Follow Stephen Spoonamore

Cyber security expert explains why the data looks machine-made. Watch his videos on the 

Follow the Whistleblower

Incredible inside look at the finances and technology behind what appears to be a major compromising of the 2024 general election

Follow Jackie Singh

Jackie Singh was the cyber security expert for Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. She sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris a Duty to Warn letter


Videos and documentaries to explain what happened and what we face
Vigilantes, Inc.
Greg Palast is known for his investigative reports for the Guardian and bestsellers including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Palast has just released his film about the latest attacks on the right to vote. It’s called, Vigilantes Inc: America’s New Vote Suppression Hitmen, narrated by Rosario Dawson and produced by Martin Sheen. Leonardo DiCaprio just released the film for free streaming on his site,

Agents of Chaos
Agents of Chaos, a two-part documentary  examines Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Featuring interviews with key players and experts, classified information leaked by inside sources, and more, the film disentangles the complex details of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and highlights the frightening vulnerabilities in America’s political process.
Watch Kill Chain
The makers "testified before Congress numerous times on the vulnerabilities of the voting machines and demonstrated how you can change the vote. His in depth investigations have shown how you can create computer viruses that will spread vote-stealing software, from just one voting machine to every machine in a jurisdiction. Alex has also proved that it is easy for hackers to change the vote by altering the printed record of votes cast produced by voting machines."
Q: But the election machines are connected to the internet. They can't be hacked!
They actually are connected to the internet and can be hacked in myriad ways including through Tripp Lite surge protectors and UPS backup power devices. Please see more...
Recent revision of the 14th Amendment supports blocking Trump from office
14AS3 "is self-executing, operating as an immediate disqualification from office, without the need for additional action by Congress", which means additional legislation by is not needed, and Trump is already disqualified; and other thoughts
Drop-off ballots exceed margin of error in swing states
In Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin the number of drop-off ballots where there was a vote for President, but not Senator or other down-ballot race. Something seen usually less than 1% of the time but in some states up to 11% of the Trump vote
Map of over 200 bomb threats on Election Day
The FBI investigated and found that the threats all came from Russian email domains
Germany accuses Elon Musk of interfering with elections
"The German government accused US billionaire Elon Musk on Monday of trying to influence its election due in February with articles supporting the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party"
Jimmy Carter on Trump as illegitimate
“I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf” See the video
Join r/ResistKleptocracy
Resistance subs are being subjected to increasingly aggressive infiltration and subversion. This community is dedicated to ethically and transparently organizing resistance to US and global kleptocracy, with a primary focus on preserving and promoting election integrity.
RedBear331 taunts AmericansRedBear taunts Americans
Bragging about hacking the 2024 election by robbing Kamala Harris of 10% of her votes via the SQL databases, the anonymous Twitter user RedBear331 tells us how they did it and dares us to find them
Russia, Iran sanctioned
Treasury Department sanctions Russia and Iran for 2024 election interference
Follow Reddit thread r/somethingiswrong2024/
Internet enthusiasts are gathering a large volume of data about inconsistencies in the 2024 election
Follow statistician Dave Manasco 
David Manasco has been analyzing concerning data in the 2024 that looks like it came from a machine, not random humans
Was the $1M/day lottery part of the hack?
This voter took part in Elon Musk's PAC, and received a letter back asking her to fill out the form again, making sure it matched her voter registration card exactly including punctuation and abbreviations. Is this so it could be crossmatched with the ePollbook some cybersecurity experts believe was used in a hack?
From Reddit: "Speculation: ES&S machines were hacked via internet, and Dominion were by SSD upgrades"
Discussion about election machine software updates that may have played a role in undermining the integrity of the vote
Stephen Spoonamore on YouTube
Gives an in-depth explanation of how credit card hacking and election hacking have much in common, and how the 2004 Presidential vote was hacked
Why did Trump win in swing states where Democrats won the Senate?
In Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and North Carolina all elected Democrats down-ballot, while inexplicably electing Trump at the top of the ballot

More reading:

13 times Trump alluded to rigging the vote

Trish Hammer catalogs these in her Substack

Elon Musk figured he's going to prison if Trump loses

Let's put him there. See the videowhere he is being interviewed by Tucker Carlson

Kansas detected a hack in 2014

Ten years ago the vote tabulators seem to have done what we have noticed in the 2024 election--as the votes reach about 400-600, votes start being skewed toward Republicans

Only county in Pennsylvania to have a blue shift hand-counted its ballots

Hand Count the Ballots

Measuring the drop-off rate measured the difference between the votes for the President and the next down-ballot race, both in raw numbers and in percentages for each major party (Democrat and Republican).

What found

There are often many more votes for the Republican presidential candidate (Trump) than for the Republican Senate candidate (or major down-ballot race).

Especially in the swing states, we did not find this on the Democratic side.

Instead, on the Democratic side, we find an opposite phenomenon. There are a large number of votes for the Democratic Senate candidate (or major down-ballot race) where there is no vote for the Democratic presidential candidate (Harris).

Computer Programmer  Testifies he Wrote a Code to Rig Elections

Clinton Eugene Curtis testifies to Congress about a computer code he wrote to disenfranchise the vote for the November 2000 election
The ACE Project

From the ACE Project: The Electoral Knowledge Network

"While [election] technologies open up new frontiers and offer new possibilities for the electoral process, especially for voting operations, there may be unforeseen risks involved, such as an increase in vote selling or difficulty in auditing election results. Careful consideration also needs to be given to the risks of inappropriate or untimely introduction of technology, especially if it has the potential to compromise transparency, local ownership or sustainability of the electoral process. Cybersecurity in elections has and will continue to receive attention from the public, governments and media. Although technological improvements to the administration of elections can be substantial, these gains must be balanced with the potential for new vulnerabilities and problems. Many of the countries that experimented with e-voting, for example, are now returning to pen and paper or scrapping their pilot projects because of security issues. When abandoning technologies is infeasible, good preparation can help mitigate similar cybersecurity risks. In recognition of the importance of cybersecurity in elections, ACE has a separate Encyclopaedia entry on the topic, based on a white paper produced by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, an ACE partner. To go to the Cybersecurity in Elections entry, click here."



Read more below and at the somethingiswrong2024 thread on Reddit and


Gather courage

Think of our forebearers who sat in foxholes to protect our nation. We can do this! 



Call Congress, ask them to nullify Trump's electors--see the article here on why and how

Follow these advocates

Follow these advocates to find a path to channel our energy
Vanessa Wright
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Gene Sharp
198 methods of nonviolent action 
Inside cyber-security expert
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Cyber-security expert
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Frequently Asked Questions

And answers to them

Assorted Data

Building this section as information comes to us
Ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque
Some data on states shows the R2 value is close to 1. This means there is a strong correlation, indicating data was calculated, instead of collected by random humans. The video explains what R2 is and how it works
We own Space X and can do whatever we want. And yes, Donald Trump is going to win
Ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque
Ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque
Ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque
Do you have any questions? Contact us

Only hand-counted paper ballots

Teams of volunteers can count the vote more safely, quickly, and securely than any machine. We cannot put trust in a couple of programmers who may or may not have the best interests of the nation at heart

Join our efforts for trustworthy elections

There is no way to assure fair elections when we cannot see how the ballots are being counted. We must insist on hand-counted paper ballots to assure voters of all parties that their votes have been counted accurately. Please join us by clicking below.